Friday, June 15, 2012


This is colored pencil on board (3 boards) that I drew a couple of years ago. I have no idea who bought them, or, for that matter, if they were even sold as one group. I loved this piece. It may be, in my opinion, I know lots of people find this stuff too weird, the best thing I've ever done. I don't know why I don't do more of it. For that matter I don't know why I don't just plain draw more often.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My father on a pony

It's hard to understand how we developed from a culture where in a person's lifetime there were maybe 100 photographs taken of him or her to one where photography is something that is utterly mundane. On the one hand there are so many photographs that they are nearly meaningless now. On the other, no one has photo albums anymore. 

This is one of the maybe 10 photographs of my dad's childhood. He self-consciously took his glasses off.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Two guys walk into an airport...

I've always loved this photograph. I took it in the airport in Schenectady or maybe Scranton while I was stuck in a snow storm. Eventually I had to stay overnight. There were plenty of places to sit down. They didn't have to sit next to one another. They may have even been together. It's less fraught than it looks. The guy on the left is a Sikh. I don't think they have any problems with Jews and vice versa.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


My uncle's dog. Now mine. I begged him not to get a puppy, get a dog from the humane society. He got a pure bred, white, toy schnauzer that he, being 80 cannot deal with after 6 or 7 months. Now I have her. Mostly. I share custody with Loralyn so she does not have to stay home in a cage all day while I work.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Frank O'Hara, apropos of nothing

Frank O'Hara was the roommate of Edward Gorey when they went to school together at Harvard. While Frank O'Hara was gay, Edward Gorey was very sexless, or so he said. Frank O'Hara died at the age of forty, though he looked older, presumably from a rough life of drinking and smoking. Although maybe it was just that back then everyone was older looking. I only imagine he had a rough life, being gay, smoking and the way people drank back then. Plus he died on Fire Island. 

He was handsome from the front but his beaky nose from the side is distractingly unusual, as it were. As you can see from the photographs below.

I have always admired Edward Gorey, and very much appreciated his art. I somehow also always hoped to meet him, as I did Julia Child. But I did not. I did meet Maurice Sendak once though.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Crocuses in my mother's yard

I have to take care of my mother's yard. This is her first blooming plant.